CBI officer Arun Kumar who had been claiming that the agency's probe that accused Aarushi's parents Rajesh and Nupur Talwar had loopholes has now claimed that said that he believes that the parents are innocent
According to an NDTV report, the former CBI Joint Director claims there is no proof to suggest that Rajesh and Nupur Talwar killed their daughter.
Kumar, who is now with the CRPF says that one of the reasons he believes in the parents' innocence is that Aarushi's killers could not have assumed that Hemraj's body would not be found on Monday. He also said that samples for forensic testing were never collected which would have helped in solving the case.
Hemraj's body was found a day after Aarushi's body was discovered.
As per Kumar's theory on the murder, the Talwar's help Krishna murdered both Hemraj and Aarushi, as Hemraj objected to Krishna and Rajkumar assualting the young girl.
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